All Classes

A custom implementation of the RuntimeException.
Indicates that a necessary Annotation is missing for the parsing-process of MAVLink-Messages.
A custom implementation of the RuntimeException.
Indicates that the X.25 checksum of a MAVLink-Message is invalid.
An Annotation specifying that a MAVLink-Message-Field is an array.
Can be used to obtain more information about this array, too.
An Annotation giving more information about a MAVLink-Message-Field.
An Annotation providing more information about a MAVLink-Message.
A simple Factory which can create and register all necessary modules for a functioning MavlinkAdapter.
Although there is still the possibility of doing the work manually, it is recommended to use this designated factory.
Configuration with which this factory can create all modules for a functioning MavlinkAdapter.
CSV-inspired file format for raw unparsed MAVLink messages.
Superclass for all MavlinkMessages.
Implementations will be created automatically by the xml2record-tool.
The MavV2Signator creates a "unique" 7 byte signature for MavlinkV2-Messages in according to the specifications.

A signature contains: 1 byte for the linkId 6 bytes for the timestamp 6 bytes for the actual signature (SHA256 hashed)
This class is designed to be used in a static-context!
Handling the linking processes of the MAVLink-message IDs to the right implementation.
Before being able to get the messages by id they must be registered here.

Note that this class should be used in a static context.
Defines all native Types of MAVLink which are supported by this Adapter.
This will be published on the bus, if the Validator detects that a packet was a MAVLink-packet.
The record also contains information about the success of the parsing-process of the validator.
A SecretKeySafe for the MAVLink-Signature-Keys.
Config-Class which can be used to create a new ValidatorMavlink1.
Config-Class which can be used to create a new ValidatorMavlink2.
A custom implementation of the RuntimeException.
Indicates that the signature of a MAVLink-Message is invalid.
This class is handling the creation of the X.25 (CRC-16-CCITT) custom checksum for MAVLink.
Apart from only hashing the message itself a CRC_EXTRA byte must be added which is unique for each message.