All Classes

Class for composing Addresses for the Verticles.
There are: outgoing: Verticles publish there results on the eventbus on this address if the result is not for a specific Verticle alone incoming: Verticles listen on the eventbus for packages here addresses.

This class should only be used in static context.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
replaced by TelestionVerticle
The base application configuration object.
Data-Object for sending received data from incoming connections over the EventBus.
Apart from containing the raw data from the stream, also connection-details are contained, which (if needed) allow for connection-specific operations, e.g.
DecodedMessage<V extends JsonMessage,​T extends io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject>
A wrapper for a Vert.x message and its body as JsonMessage.
A very simple verticle which should present the usage of automatic loading of the default configuration in a Telestion verticle.
EventbusTcpBridge is a verticle which uses SockJS-WebSockets to extend the vertx.eventBus() to an HTTP-Server.
An event handler which accepts the decoded body of the message and the message itself and returns nothing.
Use UntypedConfiguration to indicate generic, untyped configuration or NoConfiguration to indicate no configuration options instead.
Will be removed by the first release.
A verticle which streams the hystrix-metrics to a given address.
A generic org.telestion.launcher.launcher class which deploys Verticles.
An event handler which accepts the decoded body of the message and returns nothing.
A verticle which logs the message traffic.
A MDC implementation for the Message object.
Utilities for the Vert.x multimap.
The type of configuration for a TelestionVerticle that you use to indicate that the verticle doesn't accept any configuration.
Data class which contains a position.
A class which publishes positions every two seconds.
A list message containing multiple Position.
Test class.
A Closeable which does not throw IOExceptions.
A class which says hello and shows the usage of configuration files.
Data-Object for the data which must be sent over a network-connection.
Apart from containing the raw data from the stream, also connection-details are contained, which allow to determine the target where to send the data to.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A chunk of data which is transmitted with the TcpConn.
A participant of the TcpConn.
An implementation of an unencrypted TCP-Server.
Configuration for this Verticle which can be loaded from a config.
An optional timeout can be specified which is the consecutive time without any packets incoming or outgoing after which a client will be disconnected.
This is going to be the Telestion application.
The base class for all Telestion Verticle configurations.
An abstract verticle class that you can extend to write your own verticle classes.
Stores information to a specific timing from Vert.x like the timing id or associated Vert.x instance.
A simple implementation of a Value-Pair whose values are linked together without any key - value relationship.
A UnsafePredicate is a Predicate which allows exceptions to be thrown.
The type of configuration for a TelestionVerticle that you use to indicate that the verticle does not have a strictly typed configuration.
The base configuration of verticles.
A simple WebServer which publishes the index page.
Allows Verticle instances to get simplified access to the Vert.x event bus.
Allows Verticle instances to get simplified access to Vert.x shared data
Allows Verticle instances to get simplified access to the Vert.x timing functions like setPeriodic or setTimer.